Invisalign or Spark are replacements for conventional metal braces and offers a sublime choice for restoring perfect teeth alignment. Invisalign and Spark is almost invisible and can correct various teeth issues, including cross-bites, overbites, under-bites, overcrowded teeth, and widely spaced teeth. From Invisalign or Spark cost to alternatives and financing options, this is an overview of what to consider when budgeting for invisible braces:
- Average Invisalign and Spark Cost
Invisalign and Spark can be as effective as braces and can reposition your teeth for perfect alignment. Each client has unique needs, so there’s no standard cost. The treatment is customized to the patient’s needs, so you’ll need an initial complimentary consultation to get an estimate based on your requirements and budget. Here’s an overview of what affects Invisalign/Spark cost:
- Condition Severity & Complexities
The condition severity and complexities involved influence how much you’ll pay for Invisalign or Spark treatment. Invisible aligners treat the broad spectrum of the jaw and dental misalignments.
Some patients need to adjust a few teeth, while others require more complicated adjustments achieved over several months.
The orthodontist will prescribe a solution based on the condition’s severity and complexities to achieve the desired movement. Complex and severe conditions may cost more and require more time to correct.
- Doctor Expertise
Experience and expertise are critical determinants of service costs. You’ll generally pay more for the same service when working with experienced providers than new doctors.
Experienced orthodontists are in demand and are more likely to deliver the best outcome, so they tend to charge more than newly licensed orthodontists. Inexperienced providers will generally charge less to attract customers.
It’s important to remember that the Invisalign and Spark providing orthodontist should be board certified (not all orthodontists are required to be board certified, and you will need to choose one that has passed the written AND the clinical requirements for board certification). A board-certified orthodontist will not only align your teeth, but they will also correct your bite which is equally as important.
- Aftercare & Retainers
Once the duration for wearing invisible aligners has passed, you will need to follow the provider’s recommendations to retain your results, all patients will require aftercare retainers to maintain their results.
Aftercare retainers prevent the teeth from shifting back to the original position. The aftercare treatment will depend on the patient and monitoring retainer wear after removing the braces is essential.
Retainers look more like invisible aligners and are barely noticeable. They retain the result achieved by Invisalign or Spark and braces. Typically, users will need to wear them at nighttime only to prevent teeth from shifting back to their former position. Retainers are multifunctional, they not only keep your teeth in an ideal position, but they also protect your teeth from unwanted wear from grinding and clenching while you sleep. The goal is a healthy and youthful, beautiful smile!
- Office Location and Market Average
Orthodontic services can cost differently depending on the location of the practice. Some places have lower office costs or are in higher-cost cities and need to cover their costs. The same applies to Invisalign and Spark treatment.
If you have insurance, then the price may not be an issue. If your insurance covers braces, it will also cover aligner treatment with an orthodontist on your plan. Finding an experienced orthodontist should be your priority. Keep in mind that if you pay for an inexperienced doctor for Invisalign or Spark, you may have to pay again to have a board-certified orthodontist re-treat and fix the issue.
- Invisalign and Spark Financing Options
Invisalign or Spark aligners are invisible and can serve the same function as traditional braces. The cost of Invisalign or Spark varies depending on the provider, solution, location, and other factors. Patients can pay for the braces and services using various methods, including credit cards or insurance may cover your expense. Here’s an overview of the top Invisalign and Spark financing options:
- Full Payment upfront
Incurring debt may not be the best option for you. If you have the savings or saved enough to pay for the Invisalign or Spark, there is usually a pay in full courtesy. However, if you are on a tight budget and don’t have the savings to pay for it, you have other options.
Patients can also leverage health savings accounts (HSA) and flexible spending accounts (FSA) to fund their Invisalign or Spark treatments. These funds are tax-free and may include employer contributions, freeing the patient from paying out of pocket.
- Practice Financing
Some orthodontists provide financing for services and treatments. Some allow patients to pay monthly prices, which breaks down intimidating costs into manageable amounts. Each orthodontist has unique pricing based on their services and level of expertise. If your doctor does not provide financing, they can connect you with other convenient financing providers.
- Third-Party Financing
Using third-party financing can provide funds for Invisalign or Spark treatment at the cost of manageable payments. Third-party financing companies can be credit card companies or banks. Make sure you review the terms and interest rates to find the best repayment plans and avoid paying more than necessary.
- Insurance Coverage
Some patients have dental insurance with orthodontic benefits that cover Invisalign or Spark treatment. Insurance coverage varies depending on the purchased policy, so it’s vital to contact the insurance provider to inquire about Invisalign coverage. Some dental insurances have additional coverage to accommodate orthodontic treatment like Invisalign or Spark aligners.
Insurance coverage can pay for the Invisalign or Spark treatment, but each policy is unique. When the complimentary consultation is made, the office will request insurance information to have your benefits ready for your review at that appointment.
Alternatives to Invisalign and Spark
The alternative to Invisalign or Spark is clear or metal braces. Technology has come a long way in the last 20 years, and there are now several comfortable options for orthodontic treatment.
Orthodontic braces have clear or metal brackets that are easily bonded and meticulously positioned on your teeth. The orthodontist, over the duration of the braces, uses a special wire sequence to move the teeth into alignment. Elastics may also be used in the correction of your bite.
Reputable Invisalign and Spark Services
It’s in your best interest to work with experienced, reputable, and professional orthodontists who can meet your needs for Invisalign or Spark aligners. At Palm Beach Orthodontics, we focus on providing family-oriented services to deliver exceptional outcomes.
We have a board-certified orthodontist who has perfected more than 10,000 smiles since 2005 and specializes in unique patient needs. Our team has the experience to serve families, parents, young adults, teenagers, and children, covering all Invisalign or Spark, and any orthodontic needs.